These Food Huggers Create An Air-Tight Seal to Preserve Fruits & Vegetables

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Keeping produce fresh can be a challenge. Using plastic bags over and over again can be pricey and wasteful. That’s the problem these food huggers solve. These re-usable silicone food huggers stretch to fit over a wide variety of fruits and vegetables to create an air-tight seal to preserve freshness (paid affiliate link takes you to

  • Where to Find These Food HuggersThis is where you can buy these food huggers available at Amazon.
  • Compare it to This Other Popular Type of Food Hugger Click here to view this other type of popular food hugger that has a different design (available at Amazon).

You can also use these food huggers to seal opened cans. They are dishwasher safe and provide a re-usable, convenient solution for anyone looking to reduce food waste and minimize the use of disposable wraps at home or on the go.


Video of Me Using These Silicone Produce Preservers

In the video below I give you a quick example of me using these silicone food huggers:

This is a quick video of me using these food huggers

What you need to know

  • Purpose – The purpose of these silicone food savers is to extend the freshness of cut fruits and vegetables by providing an airtight seal that slows down oxidation. This not only helps in reducing food waste but also supports a more sustainable lifestyle by eliminating the need for single-use plastic wraps and bags.
  • How it Works – To use the silicone food savers, simply stretch the appropriate size hugger over the cut half of your fruit or vegetable until it snaps securely into place. This creates an airtight seal that keeps the produce fresh. After use, they can be easily washed by hand or placed in the dishwasher for cleaning.
  • Size – One limitation of these silicone food savers is that they might not fit perfectly on every type of fruit or vegetable, particularly those with irregular shapes or sizes. To help overcome this issue, these food savers are available in a set of various sizes, which are designed to accommodate a wide range of shapes and sizes of produce.
  • Popular Uses – These silicone food savers are especially popular for preserving cut fruits and vegetables that are prone to quick browning, such as apples, bananas, lemons, onions, peppers, cucumbers, and tomatoes. I also use mine for sealing leftover canned goods.

Pros and Cons of This Product

Allows You To Seal ProduceDoes Not Fit All Produce Shapes
Washable, Re-usable
Eliminates Use of Plastic Bags

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